When the most fundamental law of Physics breaks down.

 Physics is about experimenting and unraveling the mysteries of reality and nature which leads us to some wonderful and great equations, theories, and laws developed by great scientists which frame the model for our understanding of the universe. Some laws and theories seem so well established that the majority of people might think that it's just unbreakable and that's the way the universe works but it's not true or more accurately not all true. There is a physics law that breaks down in a certain scenario and probably it's the most fundamental of all. The law we are going to talk about is the Conservation of matter and energy.

You will be either amazed or not able to believe what I just told you but the fact is true and it is experimentally tested what I am going to tell. So how exactly and when the law of conservation of energy and matter breaks down, let's find out:

The conservation of matter and energy states something quite simple and easy which is that matter and energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but can only be converted from one form to another. As we saw in our previous article matter can be interpreted as highly condensed energy( well it's not really that but it will help in our further understanding).therefore we can only convert energy that is already available from one form to another for example we can use the mechanical work of motor to produce kinetic energy to the fan blades that rotate with it. We can also make use of a bulb that uses electrical energy to give off light energy and also a bit of heat or a microphone that converts sound energy into audible signals or electrical energy. Most of the daily appliances we use to make use of the fact that energy is converted from one form to another and you can't produce or destroy the existing energy.

But when we are talking about space and time things get weird. So what really happens is when light from distant galaxies and stars travels through the vastness of space, it experiences what we call Red Shift. It is the stretching of the wavelength of light when it travels through space and since space itself is continuously expanding it makes the wavelength of light also stretch while traveling. Therefore the wavelength of light is stretched and since the increase in wavelength of light causes the spectrum of light to shift towards the red side it is known as the Red Shift.

The real factor comes in when we observe that light also carries energy and higher frequencies or lower wavelengths of light carry more energy than higher wavelengths of light and as we discussed the wavelength of light stretches as it travels through space it also means that the light itself is losing energy. Now the Redshift is more severe the farther away a galaxy or star is therefore the light from some galaxies is so much red-shifted that it moves to the invisible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation.(light). The energy lost is not converted to any other form but is lost forever in the vastness of dark space and that's one of the very rare cases where the fundamental law of physics breaks down.


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